I thank our Lord for all of you here working hard for Christ and the salvation of souls. I personally try to keep God's Will in my life, and this, as you know, isn't an easy! However, looking back I can see many miracles our Lord has done to help me to get through trials, and bring me out of them feeling blessed and renewed. one major miracle in my life has been in our Lord's healing me of brain cancer well over 20 years ago. Many times up until now I have attempted to place my own will above God's. I used my own will to join the Catholic Match dating site, thinking that I would want to pursue a 'Catholic" woman with whom to marry. I have found that it is not at all based upon Catholic principles. I have had a very firm desire to join the religious life more than ever now either as a priest or a monk etc., and in any part of the world where Jesus would want to use me for the salvation of sinners. I have contacted many religious orders throughout the past few years and have simply given up more than once. I don't currently have a spiritual director to assist me, but I would like to get one asap to move forward. I am currently 53 years of age and have been told by many the cut off age is between 40 and 45. I maintain hope, however, trusting in God that He is truly in control. I currently live in an assisted living facility learning how to ambulate on my own after having a stroke a few years back. My prayer is to ask our Lord, with the intercession of our blessed virgin Mary, all the angels and saints/hosts of heaven, assistance of helping me to find a means of entering into the Franciscan order. I maintain a firm daily veneration of my patron saint Padre Pio. Please pray for his intercession to assist me. Plese, plese please pray for me, that Satan my be deterred from his attacks against me to thwart God's will for my life. I am in tears most days now and I must be released soon from this long suffering. Pray for me, that my strength always to keep my eyes fixed upon the kingdom. I love each and every one of you. God bless you all.
Please pray for my healing. I suffer from vertigo & white mass in my brain and on the right salivary gland in my neck.