My 8 year old son, Ayotunde Emeka Ogechukwu, has been vomiting constantly since March 4th. He has been treated for respiratory infection, given worm medication etc just in case. Recent hospital visit showed his blood count normal, no infections etc. But he keeps losing appetite, vomiting, spiking fevers etc. On Sunday Feb 27 we attended church service in matching outfits, and I shared the photos by request of a family member, that the kids photos had not been seen in a while. Soon afterwards I have had several bad dreams, and he got so sick. Please pray for his total healing, and deliverance from any witchcraft. Pray for wisdom to be given in seeking the right treatment so that the root cause will be addressed effectively.
Мы приходим к вам с тяжелым сердцем, вспоминая дорогого нашего Богдана, перешедшего из этой жизни во вечный покой. Просим вашу милость и благодати для
Богдан Бектиммисов