I am currently facing a huge financial difficulty at the moment. I currently have less than $10 in my account, and I am living check to check to make ends meet, before my check even hits my bank account it is gone due to bills. I am having issues at work being the only African American in my whole company I am constantly having people spy on me, pretend to be my friend and then go and tell things about me to the CEO to make me look bad. I am literally being ostracized and excluded from important information on purpose. People with lower positions than me (the same ones telling on me to the CEO) are being favored and praised and I'm constantly overlooked and ignored. I feel so insignificant and unimportant. I am also grieving the deaths of my father (AUG 15, 2022) and my great aunt who is like my 2nd grandma (MAR 8, 2023) so my mental and emotional state is all over the place. Other than my mother I have no one to help me financially including my boyfriend, he doesn't help financially at all, he's just matter taking up space. I'm frustrated, I'm angry, and I'm resentful, I don't trust ANYONE anymore. I can feel myself slipping away every day into a depression. I'm fighting my hardest not to go back into depression, but I feel it over taking me. Which is causing me to lean to marijuana just to be able to function every day. I'm literally only trying to fight and hold on for the sake of my two children and my mom, other than that I feel I would've given up a long time ago. I'm in need of immediate financial assistance, and mental/emotional healing.
Lord, my savior, I know you hear me, I know you feel the worry in me that the current situation is sticky but knowing
Aida Shayne