I need to be free permantly and forever from Winita, Clarance and Kim. they have been watching me spiritually and trying to kill me . they say awful things to me like calling me monkey and and ugly and harassing me and bully mew all day. kIM said she rather go to prison them=n to see me raised up in the ministry. Clarence Mccleadon has sent these demons to my house to stop me form praying and going forth with Christ , every time I pray for him to disappear form my house spiritually, he some how return. He said he will never stop attacking me. he said I am trying to beat him spiritually. ALL THREE ON THEM HAS BEEN ONN CHRITIAN TV. and have their own ministry. I never spoke to them before . they just watch certain people spiritually. Clarance even calls forth his friends spiritually to help fight me. he said he is trying to kill me. it is a group of them that don’t think God should raise me up because I’m not behind the pulpit and I’m just a saint. Kim constantly harasses me and told God I’m not suppose to be raised up . she fights with angels even after they told her to leave my house in he spiritually realm. but she will not obey the,. they all say I will not get married and have been confessing that my future husband will hate me and not desire me. clarance said he has been confessing this over my future husband for 12 years. Wynita said she been confessing it over my future husband for 50r 6 years and the Kim lady has been confessing it over my husband for 2-3 years. they said they envy me. wynita told her x husband that she will pay him 50, 0000 thousand dollars to help her kill me with their confessions they use over me. I NEED A MIRACLE FOR ALL OF THEM TO BE REMOVED FORM MY LIFE SPIRITUALLY AND NOT BE ABLE TO LOCATE ME SPSIRITUALLY. I need it to be permantly. my ASAP prayer request is for Wyinita, her X- huband and his father and THE LADY NAME KIM ( BEEN ON TV BEOFRE) and the Guy named Clareance ( and all his evil spiritually associate who helps him try to kill me) to be moved and removed immediately form my life and my spiritually location so they cant relocate me or be called back into my life by each other , even if I think of them. this is emergency because Cleanrnce has sent these demons to my house since 2008. I have been fighting these demons and people for 8 years now and attempted suicide twice and been in hospital twice for suicide. . the demons and the men and women I named hurt my body with their excessive warfare till its hard to want to take care of day to day responsibility. I NEED ALL OF THEM GONE NOW AND COMPPLETELY AND TO NEVER RETURN AND FOR OTHER TO NEVER RETURN OR REPLACE THEM I NEED A MIRACLE NOW IN JEUS NAME FOR OTHERS NOT TO BE ABLE TO VIEW ME OR SPY ON ME NEVER EVER AS LONG AS I LIVE ON THE EARTH. THANK YOU SO MUCH AND I NEED restoration of my life back , ( spiritally, mentally and all the blessing I have been believing God for. ) thank you so much .. God Bless you all
I pray for my son-in-laws mother, Kim, who is also my dear friend, to be healed of the cancer that was just diagnosed. She