May God grant me perfect humility, intelligence, knowledge, justice, fortitude, moderation, temperance, prudence, wisdom, joy, and peace. May Jesus grant me perfect faith, hope, and charity, in all ways perfect love, full redemption of my past, present and future life, for myself and my loved ones, maximum happiness in this life and the next, the conversion of all sinners in my family and among my friends, acquaintances and neighbours, abundant joy, boldness for Christ, and to find the best person to marry and build a family, good work that most pleases and glorifies Our Lord, to earn and possess a good name and enjoy a good and solid reputation, according to God’s most perfect and holy will, and to have no regrets about my life as I live and strive for for Heaven. May God grant me in abundance all the heavenly virtues, all the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and all the fruits of the Holy Spirit. May I always please and honour Our Lord, and Our Blessed Mother, and walk perpetually under the protection and guidance and with the love and approval of the Terror of Demons, the Patron of Canada, the Glory of Home Life, the Protector of the Church, the Patron of Fathers, the Patron of Workers, and the Universal Patron, Saint Joseph. May the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph always pray for me and intercede for my best interests. I want maximum peace, power, and friendship with Jesus Christ, all his holy angels and saints, and to maximally please God with my whole being and life. May God make haste to grant virtue and perfection to all my powers, and without delay come to my assistance, that I may obey His will and ultimately enjoy His beatific vision in eternal bliss. May God bless my country, Canada, and in His perfect time, bring peace to our world. I also pray for reparations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to console Jesus over the mockery of His name and disrespect for God. May God have mercy on us, and on the whole world, for the blasphemy, sacrilege, irreverence and pride, in all its forms, of which sinners are guilty, and for the sins of us all, myself especially, including hatred of God, neighbour and self. May Christ return to Earth in His glory and rule over us in His infinite wisdom and love, finally abolishing sin, death, evil and hate. May God bring healing and peace to the Holy Land. I pray for the conversion of unbelievers, especially God’s chosen people, the Jews, and all their relations, both friends and enemies alike, including Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, Agnostics, and all others. May God bless the priest who prays for me at the Sepulchre, his loved ones, and all those who pray for them, as well. May God bless all those who pray for me, assist me, intercede for me, do me favours or help me in any way, in the past, present, and future. May God bless North America, especially the First Peoples of this land, including First Nations, Inuit, and Métis, as well as Central and South America. May God bless Europe, particularly Great Britain and France, Russia and Ukraine, and Asia, especially those persecuted for their religion, such as Christians, in China, North Korea, and elsewhere. May God bless Africa and all her babies, all around the world, past, present, and future. Amen. May God bless the Middle East, including Arabia and Persia, and Oceania, especially Australia and New Zealand. May God bless and protect both planetary poles, the Arctic and Antarctic. May God bless our beautiful planet, renew the Earth, and bless, save, and protect His whole glorious Creation. Saint Michael, protect us. Saints Gabriel and Raphael, pray and intercede for us. God bless and empower my guardian angel. May God bless and perfect my money, bank accounts and finances, and also improve my spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health, in every way. May all God’s holy angels and saints, especially Saint Joseph and Queen Mary, and God Himself, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, guarantee and intercede to ensure the security of my very best interests in the temporal realm as well as the spiritual realm. May I obtain the best possible share of total victory for God and His Heavenly Kingdom with King Jesus, both in time and in eternity, according to the most perfect and holy will of the God of the Impossible, the God of Miracles, the one, true God, the God of Israel. Thank you! Shalom.
Father GOD with heavy burden but with faith I come to you right now knowing that you a miracle worker, I come to you