My son is facing some very difficult times right now. He is going to lose his freedom for a long time and I know he’s innocent. He trusted the wrong person and now he’s suffering for it. He’s begging me to help him but I don’t have the money to hire him a good lawyer and he has a legal aid lawyer that just doesn’t seem to cares he’s so scared. We don’t have much family and there’s nobody that I can turn too. I work 2 jobs and our landlord is selling our home. My mom is 83 and she lives with me. Ryan is extremely close with my mom and she’s taking it is hard too. All we do is cry. I’m trying to be strong but it’s so difficult. Please pray for my son. Thank you and God Bless.
Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de
Gesica Maria