Heavetly Father ,
Please help me .
Thank you for all that i am and all that i have through you. Please forgive me for all sins known and unknown .
You know my circumstances . You know the warfare im still experiencing .
Thank you for helping me through my life challenges my home miracle my employment matter .Thank you for keeping me sustaining me . Protecting me and my family my kids .
I give you all the praise and Glory for without you i cannot do nothing .
Please father God in the name of your Son Jesus Christ of Nazareth you said ask anything and you shallReceive . Thus im asking for urgent favours in my life . Please grant that i gain freedom from the spirit of fear and anxiety. Bestow your perfect peace upon me and my home and my loved ones . You said to be at peace in my new home , yet I cannot due to feelings of been watched when in my garden by my neighbours . Feeling fearful and anxious constantly . Please help father God help me to enjoy my privacy new home and this issue to resolve to have good non noisy neighbours . Please also help my children to come closer to you and guide and protect them in all their ways .
Father God since loosing my job lost my confidence i pray daily for financial freedom i have tithed and placed seeds not just in money but helping others too. Why then i see no breakthrough ? You say that i must help others then please help me so i too can help myself and bless others . I dont want to live on welfare and struggle . I am grateful .. i want to Write my books – gain mentoring – set up self employment as a mentor, life coach give me the wisdom resources and soul healing i need .. i cannot go on feeling fearful shameful not worthy day by day .. living in lack ..
your word says Ask and it be given to you . I have been asking . I am tired i push through but i am sorry at times i cannot hear you . Please rebuke the D from my life . I am a child of God your child . I ask you to bless me with joy peace holy spirit anointing freedom ..
I do not have anyone else .. i need to help mum in care home too .. help me with financial freedom to win a sum on the lotteries i will utilise not just for self but to help others too as above . Tithe better . Travel to holy land – see the world before
im old . Help my kids . Guide others to you . Please father God you are my Source help me purchase this council home you blessed me with, so i can do it up as i like .
Please also help my kids stephon Romero in all their ways . Not my will but yours be done .
Heal me mind body spirit .
Bless you father god.
Please hear me keep me strong i believe help my unbelief.. In Jesus name