Abba; in the all powerful name Your beloved Son our Lord Jesus Christ and Savior and by the power of His Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, our Helper and Guide; most Blessed Trinity, I urgently seek to obtain Your blessings to now descend and remain upon my special lady Laura Katherine Lyttle and I; Gregory Martin Doyle that as we continually progress and stabilize in our relationship; especially now and in the next few days; weeks; months and years in our mutually exclusive intimate relationship in true friendship and Love that endures whatever comes that we daily know and experience and cherish that everything works together for our good in our love for You and that our love for one another draw us ever closer to You in a happy; successful; joyful and peaceful life together and in an adventure of a lifetime together with You and in the ever secure joy; knowledge and freedom of being fully ourselves and fully alive in our vocation in becoming and remaining one: Thank You:Y/ours in Christ in eternal gratitude and Faith; Hope and Love: Laura Katherine Lyttle and Gregory Martin Doyle: Amen; Alleuia.!.!
My marriage has. Been struggling for years and I pray for god's healing hands upon our marriage and that my husband will return to