I'm an artist. I got my degrees in fine art and communications design 16 years ago. I've worked day and night 7 days a week. I'm one of the best jewelers around. Yet I've been cursed since childhood. I have not taken drugs or or sin of any kind for 10 years. I have not wronged or spoken angrily to anyone for all these years. I have not used anyone or leaned on anyone in any way. Yet I have nothing and I'm constantly being robbed. Last weekend I was robbed of the last of my belongings my art my only chance to get out of debt. I'm losing my apartment I was already homeless for 2 years. My one and only friend has died. I'm a very positive person I work day and night but I have nothing God has never rewarded me. I've been a sinless angel and I have taught people to be good. I'm an inspirational speaker. I've been so careful about everything I do. I feel people around me must be cursing me I've been a victim of jealousy all my life. I haven't had furniture for the past 10 years. I sleep on a pile of clothing. I live in a very very dangerous neighborhood in Baltimore, MD. I've been hit by a car many times just by standing on the street. I need your help. I fear I'm at the end of my life. I have no friends. Even though I offer so much help to everyone around me; graphic design and advertising. What happened to me this weekend past was so unbelievably bad and devoid of Justice. My life was already finished all opportunities that I worked for an earned robbed of me and now these terrible thefts by homeless people. They stole my computers and phones all my hard work, my memories, my progress whatever chance I have of moving forward. Please save me I've worked a day and night and inspired people and helped people and that's all I've done all my life. I had a terrible childhood I was a beaten and abused abandoned and institutionalized. I try to move forward but I think that is part of what's causing this curse. I have been an angel but I've been tortured all my life and now even after it was over it's gotten worse. Please save me for I've worked for God all my life. And that's a fact.
Father in heaven i surrender to you all the pain and heavy burdens in my life, I pray for healing, revival and strength for