Good morning Father God
Im asking for a blessing of sellers and buyers in my real estate business
I’ve been in business for 27 years and want to continue bringing my tithings to Gods storehouse
I’ve been going through a rough time at the moment with enemies at my church hurting my reputation with friends I’ve know for years and turning against me, but I’m staying in faith all the way trusting God will always come through with the right sellers and will make my enemies turn from their wicked ways
I feel I’ve lost touch with things and praying God to restore my joy and zeal for the things I love to do
Praying for God to refocus me and the grace to being productive each day in getting things done
Please pray for my real estate business to continue to succeed🙏
God bless
Phyllis Lopez Realtor
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew