Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, please grant me the following requests if they are in accordance with Your will: appropriate, compatible human companionship according to all of Your Laws, teachings, Dogmas of the Church, and Commandments. This will be a miracle, as the world is in such a mess and Your Teachings & Dogmas of the Church take presidence over human companionship, but You are a God of Miracles! Grant me a compatible, affordable, safe, (ground level, no problems with other people) place to move really close to the Catholic Church in Cortez, Co and close to the grocery store where I will be really happy, I always have a good “landlord”, am sheltered from the winter storms, can get antennae TV & internet w/o problems, where I can always get to Mass easily without any problems of any time to when the time comes for me to move and a lot of help to help me move. If Your choice of companionship for me is a dog, make sure the dog be accepted by the place where I stay and doesn’t cause any problems and I can feed the birds in the winter, & I don’t have to move in the winter or any time which would be bad, HARD FOR ME TO MOVE, or I don’t have GOOD help to HELP ME move, that the deal on my property closes quickly and easily & I am not taxed very much for the sale of my property. Grant me always all of the grace and courage to stand with You in all things, in all of Your teachings, Dogmas of Your Church, and all of Your commandments always WITHOUT HESITATION, NO MATTER THE COST, EVEN IF I MUST STAND ALONE! You find me a local rosary group which I can join and am happy with. thank You for all You have done for me. Amen
Please pray for my health, protection against bad health, and the success of my new business. I thank you, Jesus, for all I have.