Dear Heavenly Father Jesus, remove all evil spirits and sinful desires. I pray you would intervene Lord right now in Eric’s life. That you would do a full transformation in his life that you would bring him to his knees in full repentance. That he would turn away from all sinful desires that you would remove all anger, bitterness, addictions, lying, and arrogance. I pray you would humble him. That he wouldn’t be able to speak lies about anyone else that people would see through all of his lies. I pray for his salvation that you would save him and command the enemy to leave him. Please help him. Help him to see how he’s hurt me and the children and help him to change his ways and make things right. Please Father if it’s in your will help him and our relationship. Reveal the truth and everything I need to know about Eric and anything he’s hiding. Please dont let him get away with hurting others. I give you Eric and these situations and beg you to take control. Please dont let him hurt another women. I pray you would silence him from hurtful words to others and lies. We command the enemy to leave Eric and this family that the enemy would no longer use Eric to do his dirty work and try to hurt this family and this home. I beg you in Jesus name Amen.
For my children, and the world as a family, to love and obey the holy Trinity.
Ben Joe Dani