For Warren Wayne Walters and Stacey Ann Lyons to be blessed by our Father God for our relationship to blessed in HIS perfection and Destiny for us. To be of service to HIS Will. Blessed with an abundant sacred loving marriage, life and love together. Filled with lasting love, happiness, health, vitality, longevity, joy, passion, intimacy, compassion, companionship, prosperity, devotion, where we share our authentic selves, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually with each other and our able to communicate our needs, wants and desires with each other effectively with love, patience and harmony, and be each others safe haven in life, love and our relationship and marriage. Have our heart’s desires, wishes, hopes and dreams fulfilled in our Marriage and life and blessed with a child and harmonious family together without any hindrance, negativity or fears. That Warren and Stacey have a healthy child, who is also blessed with longevity good fortune. And have our love be a walking testimony of true authentic deep soulful love and an expression of God’s and the Divine’s love for Warren & Stacey. In Jesus Name Amen.
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Gesica Maria