Hi please would you kindly continue to keep me in your prayers and stand with me in agreement for god to heal me compleatly from all fear anxiety depression also from panic attacks which are really horrible and frightning also from high blood pressure and high colestral levels which really need to be lower also please please stand with me in agreement for all to be well clear and normal as i have e to have a mamagram done or ultrasound examanation on Monday 13th November as I have a small lump in my left breast which I think might be a cyst please will you pray for my examanation and all tests and results to be all clear and we’ll and normal in every cell tissue bone gland gland to be totally well in jesus name I ask as I know and believe that all things are possible with god so im claming his promises that ask anything in his name and if we believe we will recieve amen amen thank you for all your prayers god bless you all nicola
Dear Lord Jesus Christ I pray for you today asking for your healing power to remove the cancer and high blood pressure from my