Dear Lord, please help heal our family. Please show jeff the way home to fall in love with his wife and children. Show him the abundance of family love and support he has. Help him fight his demons and remove the devil and all obstacles from his life. Please show Jeff the light to prioritise family. Make him the strong leader, protector and provider I know he is. I need my husband home with me & fully present to raise our 3 beautiful children you have blessed us with. Remove the third party and let us heal. Please give us the strength, love and commitment to overcome this situation. I put all my faith in you. Thank you. Amen.
Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de
Gesica Maria