I recently made a residential move and what went with that was a change of military duty stations. I’m still trying my best to adjust and be flexible in the recent changes but I find that I’m exhausted and surrounded by individuals that relish in drama and enjoy to tear each other down in the other parties absence.
With this new duty station, I’m also placed into a new position of leadership and I’m afraid that I’ll fail. One of the coworkers also has had a resistant time in with me being in this position, as she has been here longer than I have but I may be taking her position soon. That relationship has been tense and has been on my mind as well.
Lastly, money has been a concern considering moves tend to accumulate funds quickly. I tend to worry about funds for the future and how I will perform in my upcoming tasks and responsibilities. I’m not a very outgoing or social individual but the position that I’m in now requires such a personality as I’ll be leading junior Marines.