Heavenly Father, I ask you in Jesus’ name for protection, prosperity & foresight to be able to go into the future. My father passed away May 13, 2019 at age of 83. My brother & I are beneficiaries of his & mother’s estate. However I feel we have betrayed or tricked by the professional trustee that is managing it. I ask Jesus to help me in this matter & concerns of mine. I ask for healing, protection, prosperity & good things for the following people are n & around my life at moment: David R., David M., Ben P., Kathy W., Ruthie M, Alane G, Donna P, Tina G. I ask for protection of my home living residence & roof over my head from fire, wildlife & legal estate issues. Thank you Heavenly Father, in Jesus, amen.
For my children, and the world as a family, to love and obey the holy Trinity.
Ben Joe Dani