Dear God, Almighty Father,
I am ever thankful for all the gifts, graces and blessings bestowed my on my family and me. I pray Lord that you will continue to bless and keep us safe and well. And guide us into thy grace. May anyone I have ever known and currently know along with anyone they have known or currently know if even for a moment whether friend or foe may not face the fires of hell. May all of us either return to the church, stay with the church or come home to the church and receive the sacraments and graces needed for our salvation especially Kirsten and Ryan and Maura (whom I worry about the most) that not only will they receive the sacraments but that Kirsten and Ryan will receive the sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Please Blessed Mother Mary and all my special saints, my guardian angel, and Saint Michael the Archangel continue to pray for me to the Lord our God to pray for the repose of the souls of Jerry, Terry, Uncle Max, David and all my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and great grandparents and beyond if need be, and anyone else I may have forgotten. Please also Mother Mary pray for all whom I truly love that none of them will face the fires of hell. I truly have failed many people in not teaching them the truths of Christ. Pray for me that I will evangelize to others about my faith and the Catholic Church. Amen
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew