Hello! I’ve just now found you, in God’s good Providence, which is grrrreat because I’ve been in Ch.of the Holy Sepulchre. *Please uphold 11 year old Lexi Charsky for her salvation. TAke note also that since April she has been a real handful. Pleas also taek note that her Dad is away the last 3 months & thru November, assigned to an Army installation hours from home. Also taek note that Lexi is the classic ‘strong-willed child,;’ & not compliant, even rebellious. Please also taek note tht she was adopted from China 7 yeasrs ago. Also take note tht Lexi has been receiving a strong grounding in God’s Word. Thank you each fo ryour intercession. T”eh LORD bless each of you through Jesus Christ our Lord.*Romans 11:33-36 !
Please pray for my health, protection against bad health, and the success of my new business. I thank you, Jesus, for all I have.