I would like to pray that my salvation and anything that god has done for me may be done. I asked god if he can hear my plea move the stars for my heavenly body and soul and within the next 2 years there was a bunch of stars in the sky above my home town. I believe in science and would love to become a scientist or a engineer. I need someone that would love me throughout everything I would endure. I am asking god for the most proper family in the future that believe without any hesitation that god is Abel in every way. I love my self and would never want to give my self away. I am asking for peace and a socialable life that grows into a fruitful tree of abundance. I take up and follow god with all of my brothers and sisters and futurist friends that proverbs of good permits my will to do so.
For my children, and the world as a family, to love and obey the holy Trinity.
Ben Joe Dani