Dear our amazing Lord,
Please answer my prayers for our daughter Seren, I pray her health vistor appointment goes brilliantly today in that she is a completly healthy weight and healthy child and that she has not dropped a percentile! Please I pray she remains healthy and happy and thriving and free from illness and that she is protected and not harmed by all the sugar she has ate this past week! Please I pray yoy forgive me for not always being the best parent and letting them eat too much sugar and cake at times. I also pray that Dan and I have a healthier relationship please so that they dont have to grow up with that and please forgive me for my own mistakes and wrong-doings with the relationships around me. Especially Dan and my mum. Please protect and help my mum be healthy and happy too. I pray for a healthy, happy, procteced family pelase ! With a focus back on Seren I pray that Seren and Seve are both completly healthy, happy, safe and protected and have a long healthy and happy life where they continue to grow well and thrive ahead of them with you shining your light over them please 🙏 THANKS BE TO GOD!
I thank you for all you have done and all you continue to do fir my family. Thank you for giving me my wonderful family and please I pray they are healthy, happy and protected and live a long thriving happy and healthy life. THANKS BE TO GOD!
I also please pray for three children, Heidi, Jude and Harrison and please can you heal them and protect them and their families. I pray for a miracle for them from you our all mightly and wonderful Lord please. You, your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, WE LOVE YOU SOOOOO MUCH. IN JESUS'S NAME, AMEN. GOD PLEASE BLESS EVERYONE IN THIS PRAYER ! AND EVERYONE WHO NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW.