Lord, I am so thankful for the relationship that I have with You. Precious Lord, You initiated this relationship by what Your Son endeavored to accomplish, paying the price for my sins and those of my brothers and sisters, thus redeeming and reconciling me.you know the times I have been ungrateful, held ill thoughts toward You and others. You know the times I complain and grumble about life and its circumstances, but You love me regardless even when I’m ungrateful. I am thankful Lord for everything that You allow to cross my path. I am thankful for the decisions that You allow me to make, and the life lessons that come from these decisions. I’m thankful, Lord, that I do not have to live under condemnation anymore, and that You have truly set me free! Amen. Thanks for my 2 beautiful grand son and grand daughter and for the safe delivery , thanks for my family, husband , children Rochelle, Brynelle John Nathan , Brad and Chris and for keeping us safe and sound. For all the blessings in the past and the future, thank you Jesus Praise you Jesus!
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew