
Heilung nach Schlaganfall

Im Namen Jesu Christi bete ich, dass meine liebe Mama Liliane vollständig geheilt ist. Ihr Körper ist gesund und ihre rechtseitige Lähmung ist geheilt. Meine Mama hat ihre vollständige Sprache zurückerlangt und kann gehen, tanzen, sprechen und ihr Leben genießen, dafür bete ich im Namen Jesu Christi. Ich bedanke mich von Herzen und vertraue dem

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Doamne Ajuta

Cerere specială de rugắciune pentru fiica mea bolnavă Dragắ Tatắ ceresc, Dumnezeul nostru cel mai milostiv și milostiv, te rog sắ ai milắ de fiica mea bolnavắ. ○ iubesc atat de mult. starea ei îmi tulbură inima. a este nevinovată venind în aceastắ lume și a început sẵ sufere Te rog Sfinte Doamne, te rog

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Urgent pain relief and healing

Please pray for Luke Coyne and immediate relief of severe pain from unknown illness and additional head and neck injuries due to complications from a spinal fluid sample taken today. He's 19 years old and suffering greatly. Please pray for his relief, doctors to find what's wrong and quick healing.

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Miracle healing

Miracle healing for my gums to be healed by God's hand so my gums stop receding. All my gums become healthy to support all my teeth and my natural teeth and gums stay healthy always and forever.

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Miraculous cancer healing

I’mMaria Matta and I would.like a cure for my Brest cancer and uterine cancer.I pray everyday and use my holy water from Lourdes. I also fell recently and hurt my leg. I need to get stronger by excerce and walk again. My husband also has very bad painful back pain and needs prayers too. My

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