URGENT PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for our elderly parents, especially our father Aldemar Castano, who is suffering from cancer. May God heal our dad and bring him and our family a Miracle. We are humbly asking and praying that God will grant my father health and strength again and that there may be advanced medical treatments given to him for his advanced colon and liver cancer. That God may work with his doctors to help treat my dad. Our father has always been the anchor in our family and we are asking God's mercy so as to make him whole again so that we can be together as long as God wills for us. Please pray for our dad's healing in mind, body, soul, and spirit. May Our Merciful Lord Jesus heal and cure our dad's illness through His Holy Most Precious Blood and in unity and love with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Merciful Jesus, we need our dad here with us! We ask for Our Blessed Mother's most holy and loving intercession and to please be with us, pray for us, and protect our family. We pray as well for our brothers and sisters who are suffering this terrible disease with their families. We ask the holy intercession of all the Angels and Saints in Heaven. Please help us to have faith and believe that a miracle will happen and our dad will be healed!