Dear Father who brought forth light and darkness, I address you personally by the link given to us by your Son, Jesus Christ … I am appealing to your merciful and forgiving nature,… my current mind is frought with many tattoos of my past mistakes I did to myself and others..verbally as I did back then, spoke in a prophetic way to certain people, unknowingly to me, this caused them distress, I am very sorry that these people felt you know this prophetic ability is no longer in me, but I am living with my actions from this, so I would like to be relieved once and for all time, of these mind tattoos and send healing to those who are affected by my prophetic utterings. Next thing I think is the right thing to mention, but I am very embarressed and ashamed about me committing adultery, in many years gone by, but definitely not now (2021)…I went against Holy Scripture and brought emotional trauma to myself and my family, and my husband.. I know I have let you down, also the Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, who are to this day, very disappointed in me about this situation back in time…I also have bitterly disappointed my biological Dad, who is in Heaven right now, and my Bush Nanna, Grandpa Mckenzie, Nanna Hutch and Grandpa Hutch…I am right now, still very embarressed and remorseful for this indecent act to myself and my marriage at the time….so please clean from my mind, Spirit and Soul such memories and fleshy behaviours, even though they are in the past times…create a clean spirit in my O God and fill me with strength from the Holy Spirit and wisdom for my life moving forward…in Jesus Name…Amen..So also before I finish, I need definitely to remove the tattoo of shame from my thinking mind, to do with my husband's nephew, his name is Jody….please send him healing, for his mind and flesh, squash in him and his Dutch ancestors, I thank you in Jesus Name for this healing…for him…and if I'm honest again, his immediate family, as in, 2 sisters and his Mother and Father….so send healing to their minds and flesh also…please set me apart from having dreams where I perhaps "time travel" and experience people revoking my free will and free speech, I hope you know what I mean, I don't want anyone alive or dead, to have power and authority of my living flesh, my mind, spirit and soul now or ever…but would prefer You, Our Heavenly Father or your Son, Jesus Christ to be the one's who decide my life's blueprint. Nor do I want to "time travel" ever again, ever..Thanking you for listening to my Prayer Requests today. as written on this day..(01/11/2021)…for I do ask them, in the Mighty Healing Protective Blood of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I have a very serious and urgent unspoken prayer request. I know it will take a miracle but I know God is a miracle