These are my 4 week prayer requests:
1. Pray that DeMun & me will be married before the Thanksgiving & Christmas Holiday Season this 2022 year, so that we can celebrate the holidays as husband & wife.. We will bring in the 2023 New Year together as husband & wife. Pray that DeMun & me will have the blessings of his mom, family & closest friends. Pray no wepon formed against the relationship & marriage between DeMun & me will prosper. Pray no weapon formed against DeMun or me as individuals will prosper.
2 Prayer request (week 2 ):
Pray for Supernatural Miracles of healing for me. I don't know what is going. I have been having constant headaches ( migraines ) with nausea & nothing has seemed to help. I have dizziness, feel like I am gonna fall & everything. I am asking prayers of all believers for Supernatural Miracles of healing. Pray also for Supernatural Restoration & growth of my hair. My hair has begin to fall & nothing I've tried is helping much. Pray for a Supernatural Miracle for improved vision for me.
Payer Request ( Week 3 )
Pray for Supernatural Doors of Opportunity to open to me before the end of this 2022 year & will continue in the 2023 New Year. Pray that I will get my poetry published before the end of this. & have more publishing opportunities in the New Year 2023
Prayer Request (Week 4 )
Pray that no weapon formed against DeMun & me will prosper. Pray that God would prosper & continue to open doors for DeMun & me as a married couple