Our LORD Jesus Christ – My God, My Savior, My Shepherd, My Redeemer, My Refuge, My Brother, My Friend,
All honor, glory, and praise be to You and Your name forever. You gave Your life for me, and You still command that I cast all my burdens upon You. I ask You for help, and You rescue me. You hear all my prayers. You answer all my requests. You grant all my petitions. I can do all things through You and with You. You always show up for me and make a way. You relish in performing the impossible and display Your power and majesty. Thank You for handling and settling every thought, every trouble, every worry, and every concern. You win every battle. You are everything, and You have no limits. Please forgive me for my sins, help me with any unbelief. I am sorry for my transgressions. Thank You for Your mercy. I need You always. I Love You, Jesus. Endless glory and praise to the living God who reigns supreme. His love endures forever.