ABBA; Our Heavenly Father; Our Crucified + truly risen Lord Jesus Christ+ Holy Spirit: most glorious Trinity: I beg of thee for my special lady Laura Katherine Lyttle + I: Gregory Martin Doyle to rejoice always in one another as a really good; perfect couple + soonest in the sanctification of our relationship as a really good; perfect Husband+ Wife+ that we live out the years of our life of adventure with God + one another in peace + that rich or poor: our hearts be glad+ our faces cheerful whatever the season knowing that we are all we will ever want; need + more to be as man+ woman; as God has created us to be for one other in our mutually exclusive intimate relationship in becoming+ remaining one in true friendship+Love that endures whatever comes: Thank you: Our Lord+ Our God + Holy Mary+ you our dearest friends in Christ who pray for us: Y/ours in Christ: Laura Katherine Lyttle+ Gregory Martin Doyle: Amen; Alleuia.!.!
FATHER, WE OUR COMING TO YOU NOW IN THE NAME OF YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST, I am asking for ÿour deviné intervention in Andrew