Prayers for Timothy William Hanson's court case in hays county Texas to be dismissed It's been dragging on for over three and a half years they've gone through three prosecutor's! Prayers for Jose junior palominos court case in hays county texas to be dismissed or not guilty do to self defense defense of others! Prayers that Jesse trocino will be caught in his lies and not believed evidence has came to light to prove Mr trocino is not believable and not credible he assaulted his coworker Timothy and his two bosses Tania Brewster and Jose junior palomino on there property at work pictures of injuries were taken of Tania Brewster, Jesse trocino was intoxicated and lied to the police about what truly happened Prayers the cops and any others involved who are lieing for Mr trocino get exposed and caught in there lies and held accountable, Mr trocino has a history of being fired for drinking on jobs has attacked people before he has anger issues goes out and drinks regularly is still drinking and deceiving people prayers he gets caught in his lies and exposed for who he really is! Prayers for God's favor victory dismissed or not guilty over this court case for Timothy Hanson and Jose junior palominos Court case dismissed or a not guilty due to self defense defense of others for Timothy William Hanson and Jose junior palomino they both have never been accused of violence before in there life's they were protecting themselves and Tania Brewster! Prayers for victory favor dismissed or not guilty for Leslie boykin and Victoria brown regarding this case Timothy and juniors lawyers in Jesus Christ name praying and asking believeing amen!
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Gesica Maria