A priest can pray an important part of our spiritual life which is just one of the reasons why priests all over the world should always be included in a prayer request. Priests help those in their faith in multiple different ways all while still trying to manage their own faith and other responsibilities that they have in the church. Saying powerful prayers for priests can go a long way in helping you to develop your relationship with that priest as well as imploring God to keep this man under his protection as that priest carries out his work.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Why Pray for Priests?
While it may seem silly to pray for priests since they already have such a close connection with God, the reality is that there are many reasons why a prayer request for a priest is something that holds a tremendous amount of importance. A few reasons why you should say prayers for priests include:
- When you pray for a priest, it can provide that man with a certain fortitude to continue on in their mission to help those in their faith
- Priests have numerous responsibilities. When you pray for priests, you can also pray prayers for strength to give that man the strength and courage that they need to continue on in their faith journey
- Although you may not tell your priest that you are praying for priests in general, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that you are doing everything that you can to provide priests with the spiritual encouragement that they need
Ways You Can Incorporate Praying for Priests in Your Prayer Life
There are several unique ways that you incorporate ways to pray for priests into your regular prayer life. Here are some recommendations of ways that you can include praying for priests in your prayer life:
- Ask your prayer group to remember that priest in their special prayer intentions
- Make a prayer list and add praying for priests onto that list
- Say special prayer intentions during mass
- Take time to pray for priests either before you go to bed or when you wake up in the morning

Prayers for Priests Catholic
Prayers for priests in the Catholic faith are vitally important. The Catholic faith is something that is constantly questioned by people who do not understand the faith which is one of the reasons why a Catholic priest needs all of the prayer requests he can get so that he can remain strong in his faith. Saying prayers for priests in the Catholic faith is something that can be done at any point throughout your day. However, if you find yourself at a loss when it comes to saying prayers for priests in the Catholic faith, here is an example of a powerful one that you can use:
Heavenly Father,
You have chosen these holy men to lead your church. Please hear this prayer for priests and send your holy spirit down to every priest so that they can feel your loving strength and encouragement around them as they continue to lead and teach your people. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Priests from St. Therese
St. Therese was an incredibly holy woman who put together numerous prayers to God throughout her life. One prayer request that continued to stand out long after her death is the prayer for priests from St. Therese. Although the prayer for priests from St. Therese is simple and straightforward, it is certainly powerful in its meaning. Here is the prayer for priests from St. Therese:
O Jesus, eternal Priest, keep your priests within the shelter of Your Sacred Heart, where none may touch them.
Keep unstained their anointed hands, which daily touch Your Sacred Body.
Keep unsullied their lips, daily purpled with your Precious Blood.
Keep pure and unearthly their hearts, sealed with the sublime mark of the priesthood.
Let Your holy love surround them and shield them from the world’s contagion.
Bless their labors with abundant fruit and may the souls to whom they minister be their joy and consolation here and in heaven their beautiful and everlasting crown.
Prayer for Priests from St. John Vianney
St. John Vianney was a French Catholic priest who was able to spread the faith in numerous ways in his home country. Due to the fact that he was a catholic priest, it only makes sense that a prayer for priests from St. John Vianney has continued to grow in popularity. Here is the prayer for priests from St. John Vianney:
God, please give to your Church today many more priests after your own heart.
May they be worthy representatives of Christ the Good Shepherd.
May they wholeheartedly devote themselves to prayer and penance; be examples of humility and poverty; shining models of holiness; tireless and powerful preachers of the Word of God; zealous dispensers of your grace in the sacraments.
May their loving devotion to your Son Jesus in the Eucharist and to Mary his Mother be the twin fountains of fruitfulness for their ministry.