Daily prayers are always something that should be part of your everyday life. There is certainly no shortage of people or events that you can pray for throughout your day. For instance, you may opt to say daily prayers for your family or, if you recently suffered a loss, you may want to focus on saying daily prayers for the dead. Regardless of the prayer intention behind your daily prayers, you can rest assured that when you pray them with faith, God will always hear your pleas.
You will receive photos of your printed prayer request placed on the Stone of Anointing; the place where Jesus’ body was prepared for burial after his crucifixion.
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Daily Prayers for My Husband
If you’re married, your husband is a key part in your day and your life. Therefore, daily prayers for your husband can help to give you the peace of mind that you’re lifting not only your special prayers up to God but his special prayers as well. Keep in mind that you can also include a special prayer request for marriage into your daily prayers for your spouse.
Daily Prayers for Someone Your Love
Prayers for someone you love can help you to feel a closer connection to that individual in your life. Remember, these daily prayers for love can be for any person that you care about in your life, regardless of whether they are struggling or whether you’re just saying a prayer for their health.

Catholic Daily Prayers
There are several different options that you have for Catholic daily prayers. One of the wonderful things about a Catholic prayer request is that you can not only make this prayer request to God but you can also focus your daily prayers to the saints and ask for their intercessions for your special prayers. From a prayer for a miracle to St. Anthony of Padua to a prayer request to St. Rita who is the patron saint of hopeless causes, Catholic day prayers can help you to feel a deeper connection with both God and the saints.
Daily Prayers for Strength
At a certain point in your life, you may feel as though you simply don’t have the strength to go on. Whether there is a physical ailment that is holding you back or you feel as though you’re facing a challenge that is impossible to go around, you may feel as though you don’t have the strength to make it through the issue at hand. However, daily prayers for strength can help to give you the comfort of knowing that God is there for you and with you. Remember, these prayers for strength don’t have to be long. Just a few seconds of asking God for his help can make all the difference in the world.
Daily Prayers to the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit can provide you with a personalized connection with God in times that you feel lost which is one of the reasons why so many people pray daily prayers asking God for the Holy Spirit. Your daily prayers to the Holy Spirit can include your special intentions as well as intentions that the peace of the Holy Spirit come down on the world in general so that more people can turn to God’s holy and loving ways.

Have Your Daily Prayers Said at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher
Do you have daily prayers that you would like to submit through an online prayer request? When you submit your single prayer requests to Jerusalem, your daily prayers will be prayed at one of the holiest locations in the world, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Elevate your prayer request today and submit your prayers.